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LTJ-19 Sonic Temple Assassins:


Sonic Temple Assassins Sonic Temple Assassins



1. the opening (2:32)
2. g.f.r.c.b. (3:57)
3. jack's holiday (3:15)
4. clear (6:11)
5. emperor of dreams (for clark ashton smith) (7:01)

Released 23.3.2004, sold out.
"short circuit training", limited edition of 60, two different sleeves (30 copies each), includes an insert.

Sonic Temple Assassins Sonic Temple Assassins

"Hello out there!

The label boss, Mr. Haahti, asked me to write something about the Sonic Temple Assassins' EP out on 267 lattajjaa.

Let's see...

1. the opening

Irritating droning vapors for your precious eardrums.

2. g.f.r.c.b.

Hi-pitched feedback and distorted vocals. The lyrics are about... umm... go and figure it out by yourself! Grooves like an epileptic stroboscope-washing machine.

3. jack's holiday

Inspired by lounge organist Jack Malmstens' track "Satan Takes A Holiday". An acid casuality second cousin of Gershon Kingsley's "Pop Corn".

4. clear

Calm before the storm.

5. emperor of dreams (for clark ashton smith)

The irritating vapors are back. Recorded late one night during a heavy snowstorm. Toxic waves of feedback and distortion dashing all over the stereoscape deadening you.

You have been forwarned."

Jani Hellén

NOTE: Reissued on Kirpputi-Kakkos!.

Insert for LTJ-19

"homemade analogue electronics with the fuzz and warmth intact: from fizzling drones to distorted ping-pong style melodies" Boa Melody Bar

"droning vapors for your precious eardrums." Time-Lag

"Juu juu. Kuuntelin sen eilen vielä kokonaan ja kyllähän se mielenkiintoista noise-dronea oli. Ja Jack's holiday nyki kuin väärällä lääkityksellä käyvä karusellinpitäjä... Jep. Mitä siitä muutakaan vois anoa? Tarttuvia pop-kappaleita olivat kaikki! Eiks je?" VWVärinä

"Nykysuomen sanakirja muuten kertoo kritiikin olevan olennaisen esiin nostamista, ei vittuilua ja oman kulttyyri tietämyksen esille nostamista, kuten suunnilleen kaikissa mahdollisissa medioissa näyttää ainakin Suomessa olevan.

1. Kappale oli levyn tylsin, en saanut siitä taiteellista nautintoa.
2. Esitys jolla oli jokin käsittämätön kirjainyhdistelmä nimenään kuulosti aivan kuin olisin ollut jälleen kesätöissä puimuritehtaalla. Jos tavoitteena oli tavoittaa puimuritehtaan äänimaailma, niin onnistuitte.
3. Jack's Holiday oli varsin hyvä musiikkieitys. Mieleeni tuli tasohyppelypelit musiikkeineen. Varsinkin erään ex-koulukaverin tekemä tasoton tasohyppelypeli jossa siili kerää kahvisäkkejä ja tappaa kahvinarkomaaneja. Jos musiikkia kuunnellessa naurattaa, biisi on hyvä.
4. Clear oli ehkä levyn paras biisi. Sopisi hyvin elokuvamusiikiksi elokuvaan, jossa poltetaan runsaasti tupakkia.
5. Emperor of Dreamsiin olisin kaivannut vielä hieman mahtipontisempaa otetta, muuten erittäin jees.

Kaiken kaikkiaan yhtye on mennyt eteenpäin. Formaatista plussaa. Kuten myös kansitaiteesta."
Herra Vallemaa

"Five tracks. Track one is titled The Opening, which is quite suitable. It's a minimalist drone which sounds nice enough, but has been done better by others (Neil Campbell, frinstance) before. Promising start anyway. Track two has a stupid rhythm, repetitive guitar (?) riff, some distorted vocals, very nice high-pitched feedback and miscellaneous sounds here and there. As the track goes on, the rhythm gets less and less irritating and turns into almost tolerable. Not bad, not great. Track three is totally useless electronic bleeping rhythm interrupted occasionally by some noise bursts. Fukn awful. Track four has also cheap-sounding casio-rhythm and equally cheap melody and other synth sounds. Yawn. Track five regains some hope by being occasionally rather harsh electronic drone piece with nice stereo effects and a simple drum rhythm entering at two minutes making the track into a kind of a krautrock piece (here's a tip to all of you reviewing records: if you have problems describing something, just say it's krautrock). Definitely the best one here, but not enough to save the whole, I'm afraid." Pekka PT, Dilettante's Digest

"In the last few years, the world has seen a huge surge in output from Finnish musicians. From the bent primitive psych of Avarus, to the waterlogged drones of Uton, to the magical forest romps of Kemialliset Ystävät, Finland has produced some of the more intense underground releases in recent memory. In their self-titled 3" CDR from 267 Lattajjaa, Sonic Temple Assassins display yet another side to the fertile Finnish underground. Sonic Temple Assassins operates as a loose collective with varying membership but is the brainchild of Jani HellÉn (who also has an upcoming solo 3" CDR planned on the Outa label). Sonic Temple Assassins displays a fairly broad range of styles considering the time limitations on the 3" CDR media.

"The opening" hovers into view with a gentle buzzing cloud of a drone that modulates almost imperceptibly until it disappears into the distorted mechanistic march of "g.f.r.c.b." This track reminds one that the spirit of emotional isolation crying out to bridge the gaps in human communication started by bands like The Wipers and Suicide still has resonance nearly a generation later. After the brief interlude of "jack's holiday", comes "clear" which reminds me of the sort of futuristic minimalism employed in the later work of Omit. It could easily serve as a soundtrack for an imagined dystopia. Hellén uses an extremely wide stereo separation to bombard the listener with slightly off kilter drum machines and squiggly synthesizer lines. The closer "emperor of dreams (for Clark Ashton Smith)" is dedicated to that occult spiritualist , author, and late associate of H.P. Lovecraft. What at first seems like a loose but free improvisation gradually reveals its structure of swelling percussion and hums of saturated feedback before it partially dissolves, then resurges and fades into the aether.

Sonic Temple Assassins leaves many threads to follow with this brief view into their inner workings and leaves one to wonder which promising path shall be taken." 8/12
Steve Rybicki, Fakejazz

267 lattajjaa