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LTJ-69 Lryeas - Lryeas
1. send yer horse (5:07)
2. lutheric discipline (11:03)
3. infernal seduction (1:09)
4. gona's be som' troubles (3:44)
5. bishop porridge (4:01)
6. man of peace (6:49)
"Atmospheric bruising", a solo project of a Plat Ypus member, released 28.1.2008.
NOTE: originally released as a very limited edition cdr by the artist in 2007.
Lryeas (Homepage)
Lryeas (Bandcamp)
"Slow and grinding black ambient metal ... with added trumpet!" Boa Melody Bar
"Kitarapainoitteinen katsaus päättyy äänitteeseen, joka kantaa ytimekästä nimeä Lryeas (267 lattajjaa, 2008, CD-R). Sähkökitaraa, rumpuja, elektroniikkaa? Kuulostaa lähinnä kokeelliselta metallimusiikilta. Kokeellinen viittaa tässä sellaiseen ilkikuriseen, "hullu tiedemies" -tyyppiseen eksperimentaatioon. Hitaanpuoleista riffimöyrintää, joka ei oikein tahdo pysyä uomissaan (tahi rytmissä), vaan rönsyilee sinne tänne ja hajoilee omaan mahdottomuuteensa. Mainiota, mainiota." Ville Moskiitto
"Llyreasin levy on erittäin vakuuttava uhkaavine tunnelmineen ja jatkuvine kehityksineen." Jaakobin Wsi Testamenti
"You'll be hard pressed to find a lot of substantial information on ye olde web about this one, but that fact only adds to the mystery of this Finnish release on the consistently amazing 267 Lattajjaa label. What we do know is that it's supposedly a solo project of a Plat Ypus member. Yet their minimal web presence indicates at least six individuals playing on it. But however you care to slice and/or dice the roster, the music is what's important, right? It's an excellent record, one that will easily earn multiple repeat listens this summer. Heavy processed and distorted guitars, fuzzed out to just the right position, co-mingle with dubby bass, odd synth interjections, occasional trombone bleats, drum machine rhythms, and possibly some live drumming too. It all blends nicely, with an overriding atmosphere of black ambience. The difference between this and say, Nadja, or other other purveyors of a similar sound, is that Lyreas seem to have a sense of humor. There's a lightness and looseness to much of the playing that seems to be reminding us that it's all in good fun, and not to be taken too seriously. The dub elements add a reductive element to offset the heavy atmospheres, and thus become their magic weapon. Yet the true metal head wouldn't be at all disappointed with the sounds herein. It's a heavy ride, full of gloom, doom, feedback and fuzz, but you don?t have to be wearing a black skull t-shirt to enjoy this one. 9/10" Eric Hardiman, Foxy Digitalis